Game Plan

Game Planning

Stop stressing and guessing and start knowing and growing.

Every engagement begins here.

When it comes to online performance, what separates those who try hard from those who rock their digital marketing?

After 20 years we’ve found across the board, across all kinds of industries… it comes down to having a game plan. Those who KNOW — the problem, the destination and the points in between — know what to do. Those who guess, work harder with less to show for it.

Game Planning is all about working smarter — not harder.

It replaces the flawed proposal or RFP process — whereby agencies quote on a set of less than optimal requests instead of doing what they should — diagnosing and proposing the right solution.

Game Planning rights this wrong. And you come out the other side with something of real value. Something you can run with if you have an in-house team. Or something you can use to hire any agency you choose. Or, you may choose to dance with the folks that brung ya.

Here’s another familiar pattern: most companies want to skip this all-important step. The step that brings all the moving parts together. The step that delivers greater ROI.

When new clients ask me how we’re achieving the results we’re getting for our clients, I say it’s Game Planning.

Game Planning translates your overall business objectives into a set of priorities so you can realize your potential.

Here’s why it’s the essential first step:

  • We find gaps and opportunities in your data (because most businesses do not have a handle on their Analytics and other metrics that are signposts on the road to success).
  • You don’t know what you don’t know. If you don’t what you could be doing in your digital marketing, how do you know to ask for it? It removes the creative shackles imposed by proposal requests.
  • It’s hard to read the label when you’re inside the jar. That’s what we’re for – a fresh perspective to better align your strengths with your ideal customers.
  • You’ve got to slow down to go fast. Everything is more efficient coming out of Game Planning – it’s a mindset, a step-by-step set of priorities, the tools you’ll need, the content to make it happen and an end-to-end strategy that puts a nail in the coffin of one-off gambles on tactics.

And importantly, you get a quote based on what you really need – not the guesswork that proposals deliver.

Ready to rock your digital marketing? Ready to work smarter, not harder? Let’s talk about Game Planning.